I hope you are still there. It has been a while. I know. Life gets......busy sometimes. And crazy. But it is good. It has been good. Lots of fun, new, changing things have happened over the summer. Some very easy, some not so easy, but changes are always an adventure.
I miss writing out my thoughts, feelings, and pondering's. I think I need to try again.
So as fall is upon us, so is more change. I love the seasons. They remind me of all the many seasons we go through in life. All the changing and molding that we do as people and families.
One of the changes that our family recently went through was the addition of a pup. A handsome Boxer boy named Kane. He is precious and adored by every person in our home:) We couldn't be more happy with our decision to adopt him!
So for some eye candy.......here he is!!!