Where to begin. Perhaps I shall start with a brief summary of how I came to know Christ. Since I feel like my life
truly began once I had Him in it.
I was 20 years old. Single. Just had a baby boy who I named
Jaden. In Hebrew it means "God has heard", I didn't know this at the time. Anyways. There I was. In pain. A lot of pain. Alone. Responsible for another human life. Young. Hurting. Frustrated. Full of wounds that I didn't even know existed yet. Full of love for this child I had. But also full of hate towards this life of mine and many people in it. Full of regret and full of fear. And did I say alone? Alone! Just me and my baby.
During this time God was seeking me. I believe He was seeking me all along, but I was NOT seeking Him. I had this amazing girl friend who I had met at my previous work place- A TOTAL GOD THING. She was raised in a very good home and was brought up in the church. Well like some children do, she turned away from her parents and from God. She was also a single mom, her daughter was 9 months older than
Jaden. Well my friend realized that she needed God back in her life. So she started going back to church and joined a bible study. She felt it on her heart to invite me to this bible study too.
It was kind of weird at the time I couldn't see it then, but now looking back I can. I was at the point of realizing I needed something more than I had in life. I didn't even hesitate when she invited me to bible study! And I was not the kind of girl that "fit in" at bible study! It never even crossed my mind that I might be the odd one out. I told her I was always interested in the bible but didn't really know much about it, and it would maybe be cool to learn something new. Well did I ever learn something new!!
The first 2-3 times I went, I think I cried almost the whole time. I was so broken I couldn't even speak. I just sobbed. And people prayed for me and encouraged me and just supported me. The women in that small group were amazing! My friend also got me in touch with a mentoring program at her church. I started attending church there and started meeting weekly with a women in her 40's who taught me so much about Jesus and His gift to us.
Jaden was about 3 months old, I went home from one of these mentor meetings and just cried out to the Lord and begged Him to have me. I asked Him to enter my heart and my life because I was tired of being alone. I literally felt an instant inner change. It was AMAZING. I was over come with joy, peace, and companionship. I was alone for so long and just in an instant, I didn't feel alone anymore.
August 30, 2003 was the start of this journey I am on. Not a lonely journey, but a journey with The Great companion. That day I accepted my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to reign in me. He still resides in my inner most self 6 1/2 years later. I have not always let Him be Lord of my life these past 6 years, but He is there. I chose Him and I have been forever marked in Him with a seal.
~And you also were included in Christ when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation. Having believed, you were marked in Him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, Ephesians 1:13