Friday, May 16, 2008

The stress of preparing for parties.......

Well, here I am freakin out about Jadens Birthday party tomorrow!! It never fails, I always stress about parties, mostly because I want them to be perfect! I love parties. Planning parties, cooking for parties, shopping for parties, hosting parties!!! I am addicted to it all except for.........CLEANING for parties! OH, so stressful!!! I always blow off the cleaning part until the day before (thinking it will be no big deal) but then I realize how DIRTY my house is! Man I live with a bunch of pigs(me included). So instead of cleaning, here I am, blogging! (I'm taking a break from the 18 loads of laundry chanting my name)

Anyways, despite the stress, I am super excited for Jaden's party this year. He ends up with about 3 parties!!! Lucky Boy. First we are going bowling with some of his friends and having a pizza party at the bowling alley (good idea- I don't get stuck with the clean up!) on Saturday afternoon. Then we are having the grown-ups portion of the party on Saturday night. Jaden wanted Taco's, so we are having a Taco Bar! Yummy. Then on Monday (his actual birthday) we are heading down to Chuck E. Cheese for dinner (again- no clean up! I am getting smarter about this as the years go on). Jadens dad and grama, and us are all going together for a special family dinner. He is pumped!!

I'll post some pics of his parties when everything settles down a bit.

I better get back to my cleaning before my husband gets home other wise he'll think I didn't do anything all day!

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