OK so I am weird, big surprise! Have you seen my family tree???????? J/K
Anyways, as you may have guessed, this much over due post is about ELI!!!!
My cute little fella with very few words........
until now that is!!!!!
That is right people. We have had a break through with speech:) (cue standing applause)
My baby can now say,
mom, dad, ball, go, in, pop, no, gone, uh oh, doc & the king(from the Cars movie), please, and I think I may be forgetting a few!!!
Now they don't ALL sound exactly like what they should, but beggars CAN'T be choosers!
He is saying them fairly regularly around the house, but still not much in public or for his speech therapist.
But some progress is better than no progress and I am completely giddy that my baby says mom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is the cutest thing I have ever heard:)
So this post is for you ELIJAH!
Mommy is BEYOND proud of you! I know that you are going to grow to become an amazing speaker of Gods Word to many. Keep up the hard work buddy! We love you with all our love.

Hey..eggs in a hole for sure! And further more we only live a few blocks away from one another as well.
Doc and the King??? Who can say that is one of their first "words"?!?! That's so funny :)
Only my child.......!
Hey there - nice to meet ya. :-) Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my blog
I read back and didn't find an answerr, so forgive me for asking but - why is your son speech delayed? We just finished up speech therapy here a few months ago so I *kind of* know your joy. Hooray for Eli!
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