I totally did not contribute about 8,000 of the hits on MckMamas blog per DAY. Not Me!!
I did not check MckMamas blog and twitter once per hour while working the night shift, just to make sure that I didn't miss anything, or to make sure there wasn't something else to be praying for. Nope Not Me!
I did not sit and talk to one of my co-workers(who also reads mckmamas blog) about Stellan as if he was part of our close circle of friends and family or something. That would make me some kind of stalker for sure, Not Me!
I did not tell random people about this little boy "I knew" who needed prayers and encouraged them to pray for him and his family. They did not ask how "I knew" this boys family and my answer was not, "oh they are blogging friends". That got a few interesting looks!!! As if I am actually mckmamas friend...I WISH!!!
I have not been thinking about Stellan all of the time!! I have not been trying to come up with something really awesome to send Mckmama and Stellan in the hospital, something useful and thoughtful, and original............I still can't think of anything!!!
I have not been researching ALL of the medications and medical conditions associated with Stellans hospital stay hoping to understand more about what Mckmama is dealing with. Well, OK actually I did do these things...........I am a nurse after all. I LOVE learning about anything medical!!!!
And I especially did not pray for Stellan, nope no praying here:)
Not Me!!!!!!!!

Me neither. :)
Not me either!
Thank you for blessing MckMama and Stellan with your NMM!
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