What a week it has been. Especially for MckMama!!!!! Go see the good news:)
This week's not me's:
I did not check MckMama's blog like a million times awaiting the news of Stellans birth on Wed. Who has time for that silliness? Not Me!
While not doing these many blog checks I did not eat in bed and accidentally leave crumbs on my hubby's side of the bed. And I especially did not later blame my children for the mess when my hubby found the evidence and got upset. I never use my children like that. Not Me!
I also did not plan on sending MckMama and baby S a little treat while they were in the hospital and then back out thinking that would maybe be a little stalker-ish. After all I am NOT a blogging stalker! Nope Not Me!
While at work this weekend I did not show off MckMama's blog(like we were family or something) and her oh so cute pics of her *MSC and her new babe to some of my fellow nurses. I would not do this because that could also fall into the blogging stalker category. Not Me!
*MSC- Many Small Children
I did not tell everyone and their mother about my Eli saying his first word this week. I would never say unsolicited information about my son to perfect strangers at Wal Mart. That is just weird. Not Me!
And last but not least...I did not use profanity towards the computer while at work this weekend after we went "live" with our electronic medical records system. I would never swear at the computer, especially at work. That is just too unprofessional. I ever so gently tapped the computer while thinking to myself "silly little thing" when it was not doing what it was supposed to do.
How about your not me's??????
No, we are not stalkers. I would say we are pseudo friends and that is completely normal.
Yes. I am sure she would agree:)
I never swear at my computer either. It has feelings, too, you know.
Plus, I'm far to pure to utter such profanity.
I didn't just lie. Not me.
Stalking? Nah... :)
Great job being first on the list! When I first checked, there was no one listed.
"Upon discovering Mckmama had finally posted 'Not Me Monday' and no one had listed yet, I did not consider cheating and typing in my link despite not having or planning a 'Not Me' list!"
Thankfully you saved me because I hit refresh and there you were!
I think I see a common theme this week :)
I am *not* leaving crumbs on my bed at this very moment! :P
Hah! I don't think you were the only stalker;-)
Swearing at the PC, being a blogger stalker....are you sure we are not related? =) Great post!
i never blame my kids for anything!! they are perfect and so am I!!
I so could NOT have stolen at least 3 or 4 of your "not me's" this week, and I'm NOT wishing that I could go back to MY post and change it now! And no, I would never make a note to read everyone else's "not-me's" next week before I post mine... nope, not ME! Great post!!!!! :<)
Yeah I am with everyone else. Were not stalkers! :) Great Not Me Monday!
Oh...if only I knew where she lived, I probably would send her some baby gifts!!! :) Definitely not stalker-ish!
I think we all feel like that about MckMama. It is not stalker, it just shows we are human and can care about someone we've never met!!
I did NOT share mckMama's blog with my nurse friends at the hospital either. Most of them are now stalkers too because of me - teeheehee.
Wow! I related to almost every one of your Not-me's. However, I usually am threatening to throw my computer into the street in front of my office...and stalk, no I don't do that :).
I am also NOT a MckMama stalker...your Not Me's are great!
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