Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I do agree with you Kate, I do need to spend some more time really looking into Obama's plan. Hopefully I will really have time to do some intense research with all of Obamas future plans.

I myself come from a low-middle class home. My dad worked hard to provide for our family of 5. And he was very wise with the money he made but as far as I know we were still just getting by. And I was not trying to imply that low class people are not hard workers, many of them are. I have also had the opportunity to meet many who were not. They enjoyed handouts and felt as long as they were getting that, they had no need to rise above that, to better themselves by using the help as a stepping stone onto something more instead of using it as just simple a handout to keep them where they were at.

As far as low income class being encouraged to help themselves, I myself was able to benefit from the system to help myself and my family. There are times when a person or family needs some help to get back on their feet, I have been one of those families. I firmly believe that the Church should be primarily responsible for this type of help but unfortunately over the past how many years the Church has been failing in this area of ministry.

Anyways, when I was 20 I found myself single, without a place of my own, and a mother of an infant out of wedlock. I was blessed by a church family that assisted me into getting into low income housing. I worked for a local home health agency taking care of people in their homes. I also was going to school, pursuing a degree in nursing. During the first few months of being on my own I received help from the county. It was very appreciated and helpful at the time. After meeting with a few different people from the county they informed me that I would not qualify for any daycare assistance so I could go to school. They felt that it was not important for me to get a degree and have a good paying career in the future. They felt that I should just get a full time job making 7.25 an hour and then I would qualify for daycare assistance. If I would have done what they suggested, chances are I would still be there maybe making 8 dollars an hour now. How is that helping people better themselves? That just keeps people in low class and keeps them receiving assistance for who knows how many years.

Well needless to say I told them they were crazy and that I was not giving up school. So I worked and went to school part time forever it seemed. I had to use student loans to help pay for daycare and living expenses, but I never lost sight on bettering my sons future and my future. I knew I did not want to become one of those people that gets stuck in the well fare system because they wouldn't help you out.

Now here I am 5 years later and thank God everyday that I didn't follow their advice. In the last 5 years I got married, graduated college, became and RN, had another baby, and bought a house. Unfortunately I have a decent amount of student loans that didn't actually pay for school, but that's nothing compared to how things could have ended up for me.

I can only say this for my situation, but, I felt very much like the system wanted to keep me in the system instead of help me to help myself by furthering my education and getting a career that paid more than minimum wage. The system needs help. It should be a short term things to help and encourage people to NOT need it anymore.

The system seemed to make it so easy to just stay there, to never look up, to never reach out to better yourself or your family. And to me that is not at all what it is supposed to do.

And honestly I believe 100% that our government was formed and started to PROTECT the American people and their rights, not to take CARE of them. People need to continue to be responsible for themselves and for their choices and to recognize that the government is not our caretaker.

If you are having sex before marriage, be ready to take care of a baby, possibly on your own. Instead of having an abortion to "fix" the problem. If you were raised in a lower income class family, keep your chin up, go to school, get a degree, make a change for yourself. Don't let people tell you that you have to stay low class. Reach for the stars. If you are at the point in your life where you can't afford insurance, don't have kids yet. Wait a few years until things are a little more established for you instead of using Medical Assistance to pay for all of your births. That money could be used much more efficiently.

At any rate, I feel our system is flawed big time. And I am and was only voicing concern and frustration from my perspective. Knowing what I know from my personal experiences. I just don't feel that it is fair to take money from people that make X amount of money and turn around and give it to people that make Z amount of money or less. It sounds way too much like a socialistic government. I have every right to be concerned knowing that in our future I will slowly start making more money, that I have worked my tail off for, and slowly portions of my money that I have no say over will go to a family, that I personally know, that can't afford groceries for their ever expanding family and live in low income housing but drive a 25,000 dollar vehicle. I should be able to take my money and give it to whom I feel are deserving of it, whether it be friends that are having a hard time or a ministry that supports the poor and homeless in my town or to the local pregnancy resource center that is trying to help prevent abortions.

Some of this may not make complete sense as I am writing when I am very tired. I apologize if that is the case. Again, these are just my feelings and believes. Please don't be offended and please comment respectfully as I have tried to respond respectfully.


Guacaholic said...

Jazzy, thank you so much for a thoughtful response. You have made many points that are food for thought.

I especially agreed with: "It should be a short term things to help and encourage people to NOT need it anymore."

I don't have answers for you on how to fix the system - I agree that it is flawed, and holy hannah, I wish someone could come up with a plan to overhaul it. I do know that there are bad apples, period.

I will tell you about my mom ("St. Gail") who is a dyed-in-the-wool liberal. My mom has been a nurse at Abbott-Northwestern for almost 40 years. She has bad days where she questions the system, complains about people who abuse it. She works in a tough part of town, with different immigrant groups, and she sees "everything". But she has told me many times that she still has "faith in the safety net".

I think it's completely natural to question the system, and luckily we live in a country where we can question things like that.

In regards to your daycare situation from 5 years ago, I am really disappointed to hear that you didn't receive assistance. I am so puzzled by that... In my mind, that should be one of the most important social justice issues, since higher education helps society as a whole. I know hoe frustrating it can be to amass those student loans and to have to live off of them and then repay them. (Oh, the joy of staring at a $33,000 statement each month! Yuck.)

The thing about taxes, is that we currently have a tax system that gives breaks to the rich and corporations. So right now under the Bush plan, you're not subsidizing the poor, you're subsidizing the rich. (Of course, I have presented a simplified version - some people claim that our current plan stimulates the economy. That's for you to judge.)

I commend you on your hard work and for the changes in your life. You have a lovely family and seemed to be very blessed.

Anonymous said...'ve worked so hard to get to where you are. I am amazed and proud of you! Thanks for sharing a piece of your story :)

Kristie said...

Jazz, I have so much respect for you. My sister too is a single mom that just doesn't seem to be getting anywhere, because she makes "too much" money for help from the governmnet. Needless to say, she moved back with my dad. She on the other hand has different(not good) priorities than you did, but that is another story. So thanks for your openness, and again I give you much respect.