Drive to the in laws in -14 degree weather, brrr(thank goodness for the new remote starter!).
Get to the in laws only to be greeted by my 3 year old with a "no" and a shove to try to get me to leave.
Spend 30 minutes getting my son ready and willing to leave gramas without a fight.
Get out to the van, only to have him refuse to sit in his booster seat.
Force him into his booster seat and take his toys away for being naughty.
Drive home while listening to him kick and scream like the world was coming to an end.
Pull over on Hwy 95 to spank him for successfully climbing OUT of his booster seat while I was driving 60mph.
Continue to listen to him kick and scream.
Drive with my L hand while holding him IN his booster seat with my R hand (very safe I am sure!)
Yell at him for being so out of control this morning.
Pull over again because he over powered me and climbed out of his booster AGAIN!
Continue to drive home while holding onto his jacket with a death grip while he throws a fit on the floor of my van.
Continue to hold him and brake for the upcoming stop sign, which throws him up to the front of the van.
He continues to kick and scream, never mind the fact he whacked his head on the seat.
Physically hold him down on the floor between the two front seats of my van while driving the last 3 blocks home.
Curse a few times to myself for what a sucky morning it is obviously going to be.
Get home only to have the garage door only open half way because of the cold.
Get out of the van and carry my screaming child into the house and spank him again and put him in his room for a VERY long time out.
Put myself in my room for a VERY long time out.
Ask God for a miracle amount of patience.
Pray that no one saw what was going on in my van and turn me into social services!!!!!!!
And this was only the first hour of my morning........Today is GOING to be great!
p.s. God did give me patience, thank goodness. And the rest of my morning hasn't been bad:)

THAT was AWESOME! Go Eli! Sorry, but it made me laugh, as I have had almost similar incidents, but I say Eli takes the cake!
Something similar happened to me this morning...only it was me kicking and screaming WHILE holding myself in my seat making myself go to work. Ugh. I really did NOT want to go...
Hope YOUR day has improved!
my favorite kind of morning! Yeah, ok. Glad it went better!!
oh man...i hear duct tape works well with keeping kids in seats! (that sounds inhumane, but I mean duct taping the buckles...not them!)
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