Thursday, January 15, 2009

Prayer Request


I am sorry this is so late, but here is the scoop. She went home over the weekend. She IS doing better. High dose of steriods for a while. No more breathing problems. Still having hives. Hoping it is hormone related (since just having a baby) and will just go away when things go back to normal.

Thanks to ALL of you who were praying for her!! She is very thankful and happy to home:)


Please pray for my really good friend Amanda. She keeps having some kind of allergic reaction to something and is in the hospital now. They don't know what is causing this. To make things even harder for her, she has a sweet little 3 week old baby at home that needs a healthy mama.

Please storm the gaits of Heaven for a quick recovery for her and her family.


Anne said...

Oh my, I didn't realize it was this serious. How's she doing? I will pray for her.

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Seriously!? Sick. I am praying for her. and doug and sally

Anne said...

How's she doing now? How's your little one?