I can't believe how long it has been since I have posted something or anything with substance. I have been SO crazy busy and tired lately.
I have discovered that ME + working FULL time = TIRED, CRABBY, and FORGETFUL
*note to self, quit working!.......yeah right!
You may wonder, why on earth am I working full time? Because I can (it is a blessing), and because my wonderful hubby has been layed off since the start of December. So the good news, it has only been temporary. Thank you Jesus!!! Ken is back to work this week, and has a few weeks of work lined up, so I get to take it easy again:)
I miss being home with my little fellas. I miss having a memory. I miss cooking dinner every night for my hard working husband. I miss sleeping. I miss having a clean house. Ahhhhhh.......
You know it's bad when you realize that you forgot when you last showered!!!!! Or what day of the week of the month of the year it is!!!! Or the last time you slept more than 3 hours at a time!!!! Yikes, I must look CRAZY to everyone around me:)
Anyways, enough with the pity party. I am getting my schedule back and I am REALLY looking forward to it. Even though the last month and a half has been a blur, it has been a HUGE blessing, and God is reminding me of His faithfulness to us and our family. HE is awesome.
You see, if this would have happened to us at any other time up to this point, we would have been....not prepared to say the least. God has blessed me with a good paying job and the ability to pick up more hours, even when it seemed as though there were no hours to get. God has also blessed our finances in making them stretch further than we thought possible. Since we have started our Total Money Makeover, God has really shown Himself to us. We finally started honoring Him in that area of our marriage and lives, and I have imagined, a time or two, Him saying to us, "Can you see NOW the plans I have had for you, the plans to prosper you, the plans I have had all along.... I was just waiting for you to let ME in....I was waiting for you to say 'enough of my way, let's do this God's way'....just know, there is more to come.....".
So instead of getting behind in bills, and picking and choosing what to pay this month, which is what would have happened in the past if one of us was out of work, we have been able to pay above and beyond our monthly bills. We still have an emergency fund, we are still attacking debt, and we are still learning how to let God lead us. I feel beyond blessed:)
I can't tell enough people how freeing this whole money makeover process is. We have started taking the Financial Peace University class too, which is also offered by Dave Ramsey. It is a 13 week course that covers in more detail, the biblical based steps to achieving financial peace and honoring God with you finances. So far, so good:) I highly recommend both of his books to anyone who is tired of being a slave to debt.
I have so much more to fill people in on, but I will save it for a later post. This one got a little longer than I expected.
Oh, and props to Miss for telling me about her Total Money Makeover and recommending the book!!!!! Thanks for the life changing advice!
Awesome! I am so excited it is going well for you! That is such a good feeling.
That is AMAZING Jazzy!
And thanks for keeping "me" (us) posted on Amanda...I appreciate it!
We had the same experience...shortlyl after we started Bills hours got cut WAY WAY down...and yet, "somehow" we made it thru! isnt it amazing what he does when we are obediant? =)
and sooo exciting about Eli! =)
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