Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Big Race

OK here is the big reveal....although it CAN'T top Mckmamas big reveal!!!

I have decided on a race:) I will be doing the Moms Day 5K, in May, by the way!!!! Oh I am a dork.

Anyways it is el-cheapo, which is awesome, it is still a ways away so I have time to train(i.e. be able to run the WHOLE 3 miles without a heart attack), and each person that crosses the finish line gets a plant since it's the day before mothers day:)

What fun!

Here is the info (click on May, then click on Moms Day 5K) for anyone that wants to join me!! We should get a group of moms together from our area and run together, but seriously no one has to run as slow as I do! I'll just meet you ladies at the finish line:)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

So I Started Running.....

and NO I have not been running in public! I don't want to offend anyone. Maybe after I lose 20 pounds I will make my way outdoors to run, but until then, strictly indoors, in my basement, ALONE!

I have always wanted to be a runner, and I have tried a few times over the past few years to do this. However, I have not known the best way to start and I end up to the point where I can bearly walk, so then I just give up. Well, I found this great website that says it can turn me from a couch potato to a 5K runner in 9 weeks. Sounds like a long time to get me to run only 3 miles without dying, but hey it's worth a try.

So I am at the end of week 1 and so far so good. In addition to using the treadmill I have been going to Zumba classes once a week and getting a really good workout! So far I have lost 3 pounds, I'm sure it's only water weight!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But whatever, 3 pounds is better than a big fat ZERO.

I am trying to find a 5K run in April or May that I can participate in. Anyone know any good websites that have that kind of local info????

Monday, February 16, 2009

One day down.....

I made it through the day! It turned out to be a GREAT day. We didn't follow the routine exactly, but we did try to follow as much of it as we could. For example, I did NOT wake up early enough to get all my stuff done before the children woke up. So I ended up running and showering during nap time which worked out just fine. I didn't get nearly as much laundry done as I would have liked, but I am still working on it, and there is always tomorrow!

The one amazing thing about today was......I didn't give 1 single timeout or spanking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There were a few times my voice needed to be raised, but over all the boys did fantastic today. They do so much better with structure.

I am looking forward to trying to work the routine tomorrow as well. Jaden and Eli both have school, but I think we will be staying home as Jaden has a sore throat and sounds like he swallowed a frog.

Welcome to the oh so boring life of Jazz!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Routine.... Or Lack There Of

Seriously! It has been over a week since I posted! I need major blogging help! Totally kidding, btw. What I really need is a more functioning schedule. My work schedule has been totally out of whack because of all the extra shifts I was picking up, and now it is finally back to normal for the most part, but now I just can't seem to get on a daily home schedule that works.

I am in the middle of a 7 day stretch of NO work. I thought for sure I would have accomplished so much, and yet I feel as though I have accomplished hardly anything at all. I am so stinkin exhausted all I want to do is lounge around when I have extra time. Yuck! I hate being lazy.

I guess I should give myself some credit, my house has been fairly clean and maintained the last few days. Laundry...not so much. My poor hubby has to search the house every morning looking for socks!

Anyways, I am just trying to come up with a better routine on a day-to-day basis. It always seems like our days are so different. Between my working nights, Jaden having school every other day, Eli having speech 2 mornings a week, and preschool 2 afternoons a week, daycare one day a week, I can't get down a routine or schedule that works smoothly. It is so frustrating.

I am hoping to start fresh on Monday with a routine something like this:

Wake before the children-run, shower, start breakfast, maybe sneak in a load of laundry
Wake the children
Get the children ready-bath/shower, dressed
Have some play time-clean up the kitchen
Group activity-game, books, craft
Morning snack
Engage children in helping tidy up the house for a few minutes
Head downstairs-more laundry, play time for kids, maybe a short movie
Upstairs-get lunch ready, have kids pick out a story for after lunch, have kids set the table
Nap for Eli, quiet time for Jaden, Computer/quiet time for mom
Afternoon snack
Outside if weather is nice or inside game/art
Downstairs again-play time, more laundry
Upstairs- prepare dinner, 15 minute power pick up, boys set table
Family time after dinner clean up
Get ready for bed
Bed time
Mom relax time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope this works well. Monday there is no school and no daycare so it will be a good day to mess with our current routine and work out the kinks. Tuesday will be a whole different story! Here's to hoping this helps!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Welcome to Lectio Divina

I have been wanting to do this for a while. I am not sure how it will work via blog, but I feel like this is what I am supposed to do. Thanks to a couple that Ken and I hold dear to hearts, we were introduced to Lectio Divina, and it is amazing. So I want to share it with you.

Lectio Divina is the reading of Scripture not to satisfy our minds with answers, but reading of Scripture for “such things as move the heart to devotion” (Thomas a Kempis).

To do this requires intentionally shedding the common methods most of us use when we read. Tony Jones notes,

The fact is, we read mostly for entertainment or information. Whether it be a novel, the newspaper, magazines, professional journals, or the Bible, we read almost exclusively for these two reasons. We need to approach the Bible differently for lectio.
(Sacred Way, p. 51)

In Lectio we listen not for information but for connection. We listen for Jesus: the living, active, incarnate Word. When we hear him, he speaks to our hearts.

The four step process is as follows:
~Lectio (Reading)
~Meditatio (Meditation)
~Oratio (Prayer)
~Contemplatio (Contemplation)

Again, the purpose of this process is not to receive a communiqué of information but to commune with God: to feel his touch, to hear his voice, to taste his goodness, which will change us.

Lectio (Reading)

~Pick a quiet and solitary place to read, preferably the same “sacred place” each time.
~Pray a prayer expecting to sense God’s presence and voice.
~Read the text slowly, repeatedly, and aloud. Hold a hand or hands open, palms up, to symbolize your desire to receive the Word.
~Listen for a certain word or phrase or image that rises above the rest of the text and grabs hold of you.
~Write down you answer to the Lectio step: “What word or phrase or sentence jumped out at you as you listened?”

Meditatio (Meditation)

~Write a couple of sentences of reflection around what you heard or saw. What feelings and emotions does it conjure up?

Oratio (Prayer)

~Write a brief prayer of response to what you hear God saying to you.

Contemplatio (Contemplation)

~Reread the passage to simply soak in, to rest in, the Word. Then be still and let silence be the song you are singing together.

*After going through Lectio individually and as part of a small group, it has completely changed the way I understand devotion time with God. I am hoping to post scripture once a week for people to participate in. I will share some of what God has shown or spoken to me, and you can feel free to leave a comment with the same, or make a separate post on your blog. I just want to encourage people to participate, it really can be amazing when we give dedicated time and silence to God.

This weeks verses:
Isaiah 4 3:1-3a, 4b
But now, this is what the Lord says
he who created you...
he who formed you..:
"Fear not, for I have redeemed you;
I have summoned you by name;
you are mine.
When you pass through the waters,
I will be with you;
and when you pass through the rivers,
they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire you will not be burned;
the flames will not set you ablaze.
For I am the Lord, your God,
the Holy One...,
your Savior...
I love you."

What word or phrase or image jumped out at you as you listened?
"Fear not, I have redeemed you, summoned you, you ARE mine." I am redeemable, I am worth something, I am needed for something important, to be summoned is a "big deal", not to be taken lightly, I AM HIS. The word WHEN stuck out to me each time it was used. So matter of fact- not IF, but WHEN you pass through the waters, rivers, and fire....
I will be with you.

Write a couple of sentences of reflection around what you heard or saw. What feelings and emotions does it conjure up?
God has summoned me for something in His great plan. It involves trusting Him, NEEDING Him. There WILL be troubles and obstacles, but ALSO victories. It brings a mix of emotions to me.

Write a brief prayer of response to what you hear God saying to you.
Thank you Father for revealing this to me. Show me Lord where you have summoned me, where you need me in your great plan. Remind me that I am yours, because I am human and insecure at times, and I forget that I BELONG to you. Do as your word says and be with me, allow me to feel your presence more. Help me through the waters, rivers, and fires. I will go through them for you, I know they will strengthen me. Thank you Lord for loving me. For saving me. For allowing me to be yours. For redeeming me, and calling me by name. I am ready to listen. To be still. To be silent to you and your will for my life.

Reread the passage to simply soak in, to rest in, the Word. Then be still and let silence be the song you are singing together.

Then share with us what God revealed to you!

p.s. Thank you to Dale for introducing us to Lectio, we LOVE it!