I have always wanted to be a runner, and I have tried a few times over the past few years to do this. However, I have not known the best way to start and I end up to the point where I can bearly walk, so then I just give up. Well, I found this great website that says it can turn me from a couch potato to a 5K runner in 9 weeks. Sounds like a long time to get me to run only 3 miles without dying, but hey it's worth a try.
So I am at the end of week 1 and so far so good. In addition to using the treadmill I have been going to Zumba classes once a week and getting a really good workout! So far I have lost 3 pounds, I'm sure it's only water weight!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But whatever, 3 pounds is better than a big fat ZERO.
I am trying to find a 5K run in April or May that I can participate in. Anyone know any good websites that have that kind of local info????

You pick the race at raceberryjam.com and I'll run it with you, no matter what pace!
Make sure you get some good running shoes that are fitted to your feet, they make all the difference!
I second the running shoe comment. I have never been a runner, but my fancypants shoes keep me from feeling like a huge lumbering ox. Worth every penny!
Oh yes...raceberryjame.com or pickleevents.com....count me in! I know I don't know you, but I'll run it too! You should announce a run that people can join you on!
And shoes...oh good shoes...they will change the way your body feels sooo much after a run (and during of course)!
Tell me what Zumba is! It sounds fun!!
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