Lectio Divina is the reading of Scripture not to satisfy our minds with answers, but reading of Scripture for “such things as move the heart to devotion” (Thomas a Kempis).
To do this requires intentionally shedding the common methods most of us use when we read. Tony Jones notes,
The fact is, we read mostly for entertainment or information. Whether it be a novel, the newspaper, magazines, professional journals, or the Bible, we read almost exclusively for these two reasons. We need to approach the Bible differently for lectio.
(Sacred Way, p. 51)
In Lectio we listen not for information but for connection. We listen for Jesus: the living, active, incarnate Word. When we hear him, he speaks to our hearts.
The four step process is as follows:
~Lectio (Reading)
~Meditatio (Meditation)
~Oratio (Prayer)
~Contemplatio (Contemplation)
Again, the purpose of this process is not to receive a communiqué of information but to commune with God: to feel his touch, to hear his voice, to taste his goodness, which will change us.
Lectio (Reading)
~Pick a quiet and solitary place to read, preferably the same “sacred place” each time.
~Pray a prayer expecting to sense God’s presence and voice.
~Read the text slowly, repeatedly, and aloud. Hold a hand or hands open, palms up, to symbolize your desire to receive the Word.
~Listen for a certain word or phrase or image that rises above the rest of the text and grabs hold of you.
~Write down you answer to the Lectio step: “What word or phrase or sentence jumped out at you as you listened?”
Meditatio (Meditation)
~Write a couple of sentences of reflection around what you heard or saw. What feelings and emotions does it conjure up?
Oratio (Prayer)
~Write a brief prayer of response to what you hear God saying to you.
Contemplatio (Contemplation)
~Reread the passage to simply soak in, to rest in, the Word. Then be still and let silence be the song you are singing together.
*After going through Lectio individually and as part of a small group, it has completely changed the way I understand devotion time with God. I am hoping to post scripture once a week for people to participate in. I will share some of what God has shown or spoken to me, and you can feel free to leave a comment with the same, or make a separate post on your blog. I just want to encourage people to participate, it really can be amazing when we give dedicated time and silence to God.
This weeks verses:
Isaiah 4 3:1-3a, 4b
But now, this is what the Lord says
he who created you...
he who formed you..:
"Fear not, for I have redeemed you;
I have summoned you by name;
you are mine.
When you pass through the waters,
I will be with you;
and when you pass through the rivers,
they will not sweep over you.
When you walk through the fire you will not be burned;
the flames will not set you ablaze.
For I am the Lord, your God,
the Holy One...,
your Savior...
I love you."
What word or phrase or image jumped out at you as you listened?
"Fear not, I have redeemed you, summoned you, you ARE mine." I am redeemable, I am worth something, I am needed for something important, to be summoned is a "big deal", not to be taken lightly, I AM HIS. The word WHEN stuck out to me each time it was used. So matter of fact- not IF, but WHEN you pass through the waters, rivers, and fire....
I will be with you.
Write a couple of sentences of reflection around what you heard or saw. What feelings and emotions does it conjure up?
God has summoned me for something in His great plan. It involves trusting Him, NEEDING Him. There WILL be troubles and obstacles, but ALSO victories. It brings a mix of emotions to me.
Write a brief prayer of response to what you hear God saying to you.
Thank you Father for revealing this to me. Show me Lord where you have summoned me, where you need me in your great plan. Remind me that I am yours, because I am human and insecure at times, and I forget that I BELONG to you. Do as your word says and be with me, allow me to feel your presence more. Help me through the waters, rivers, and fires. I will go through them for you, I know they will strengthen me. Thank you Lord for loving me. For saving me. For allowing me to be yours. For redeeming me, and calling me by name. I am ready to listen. To be still. To be silent to you and your will for my life.
Reread the passage to simply soak in, to rest in, the Word. Then be still and let silence be the song you are singing together.
Then share with us what God revealed to you!
p.s. Thank you to Dale for introducing us to Lectio, we LOVE it!

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