Monday, August 3, 2009


Today was the day we had to say goodbye to my dear friend Amanda. Doug and Amanda and their daughter Sally are moving to Washington DC for school. Doug is going to law school and Amanda is a nurse and will be working out there while he is in school full time. They are preparing to be missionaries and are hopeful to work for IJM when Doug is done with school.
I am beyond excited for them and this journey the Lord has lead them down. I am however very sad that my best friend will no longer be just a mile down the road. I love her so much and she has been SOOO important to me and my family. My boys absolutely ADORE her!!! She is in fact Jaden's God Mother and has always taken that role very seriously. He told me today that he is gonna really miss her when she is gone.
She stopped over today before they leave town so she could say one last goodbye to the boys. They hugged and kissed and the boys each gave her a letter they made. Through the tears I was able to get a few pics of them.

Oh how I am going to miss her........

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