Horray for Not Me! Monday again:) Check MckMama out and join in the fun.
I was not addicted to MckMama's blog this week. I did not check it at least 12 times a day waiting for new updated photos of little S. Oh I can't get enough of him!!!
I did not start deciding on Christmas pictures already. While deciding what one to go with, I did not contemplate croping myself out of the picture and just having the hubby and children in the "family" photo. I could lie and say I took the picture:) I did not realize how much weight I still need to loose from my last pregnancy, almost 3 years ago!!! Seriously, Not Me!
I did not eat out 2-3 times this weekend, again. Nope not with my tight Total Money Makeover budget. I have no extra money for eating out. Only rice and beans at this house!
I am not typing this with my sunglasses on because I just returned from the eye doctor and can't see or read anything. You know the eye doctor that I ALWAYS see on a yearly basis. Well, seriously though it was my first time to the eye doctor and I am 25!! Bad me, bad!
I did not get fired up about politics this week, nope not I. I did not react like a baby to Obama winning and basically rant and rave for a couple of days about how the world is coming to an end. Nope I am WAY more mature than that.
And I really did not make my husband watch Orgasmic Birth with me one night this week. Weird, why would I make him watch such a silly movie? Not Me! (Oh and he did not enjoy it!)
Overall I did not have a lazy week. Nope, I did lots of things around the house, like keeping the bed warm by laying in it, and keeping the couch warm by laying on it, and keeping myself warm with a blanket. Nope I was NOT lazy at all!
You are a spaz hon, but we like you for it.
Hey! I can not find your email anywhere, so I am leaving you this question here...I was wondering if you guys would mind if we missed this week? I am leaving for Chicago Friday morning and am feeling a bit crazy with so much to do before I leave (I will be gone a week) Please let me know if you are ok with that! Thanks, Melissa
I have adhd, what do you expect me to do with my blog?!?!?!
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