I can't even believe I am writing a post on this subject. Politics. YUCK. I am not a very "political" person, but I have an idea of what I feel politics should or should not do for me and my family as American citizens.
As a disclaimer *this post is in no way meant to offend or hurt anyone reading it. Know that what is said are only feelings, thoughts, and opinions from the blog owner, ME. So if I offend you in any way, my deepest apologies, but it's my blog and I have a few things to say. Feel free to comment in an appropriate manner if so lead. Thanks:)*
Now then where was I. Oh yes politics. Even saying the word makes my salivary glands kick in full throttle. I don't like politics or many politicians for that matter. It's unfortunate. But with that being said, I am totally disappointed with last nights elections.
I honestly try to not label myself with one party, but I tend to lean more towards Republican on a lot of topics. So yes, I voted Republican yesterday.
I am slightly concerned for the whole Share the Wealth idea Obama and his administration will have come this January. I am all for assisting lower income families to better THEMSELVES but I cannot support this whole steal from the rich and give to the needy plan.
If low income people are allowed to receive free money from "rich" people (who by the way have worked VERY hard at being wise with their money to become rich) how does that motivate people to get out of the low income class? If I got free money all the time, I would not have much motivation to work my tail off to get to the point that I didn't need free money anymore. Especially knowing that if I made too much money I would then have to give a cut to someone who doesn't make as much as me.
This is CRAZY to me. What happened to the American people that worked hard to make a living and to move up in the pay scale the good old fashioned way?
That isn't really how it works. No offense taken here..just had to comment. It was nice to finally meet you the other day!
I have been checking out your blog off and on from Sara's site. Considering that this is your blog and your outlet for putting your thoughts out there, I normally wouldn't comment on something political. While I understand your concern, I urge you to look at Obama's website and find out more about his tax plan. It really is not as simple as you've stated, and it probably will benefit your family. I also urge you to find out more about the Bush tax cuts.
I also think that the handout-as-motivation thing is a bit more complex. A tax break of, say $5000 or less isn't exactly bringing people out of the lower classes. But it can help pay for a new car that brings someone to a job that is not on the bus line, etc.
I don't mean to be pointed, but I'm wondering, how do you think low-income people should help themselves? I would like to hear ideas from people who don't share the same worldview as me.
As someone who grew up in a lower middle class family, with two parents working three jobs, I find the suggestion that poor people are not hard working to be disappointing. My parents worked very very very hard, and never broke out of being poor until the Clinton Administration.
Lastly, not all rich people have worked hard for their money. Please, I invite you to the holiday party at the hedge fund where my boyfriend works, and you can meet people who hardly work at all for their money, and profit from the misfortune of others.
I understand how tempting it is to oversimplify these issues, but I can assure you that America made a good choice yesterday.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts, and I hope you can feel a little more at peace about yesterday's events.
yep. not to mention all the babies being killed? :(
I can't imagine how many more babies would be left in dumpsters if it were not legal. Making abortion illegal doesn't stop woman from hating their babies. Educating people on how to prevent pregnancy would be far more effective. Just because we have Jesus and know these things are wrong doesn't mean the rest of the world does. Making abortion illegal doesn't make people Christians....Us getting off the couch and touching people in their life's is the answer. Being a true Rep for our Savior Jesus is going to stop abortion.
P.s. Sorry Jazz for making this a little debate zone.
It's all good. I like when people can respectfully voice their opinions but most importantly their beliefs and feelings.
I understand the argument about education preventing abortion. But I can't exactly agree with it 100%. I know there is education out there. We all had sexual education at least in 2 grades if not 3 in school.
I knew how to get pregnant, how to prevent getting pregnant, and even all the differnt kinds of STD's you can get from sex. But I still didn't practice abstinence like I should have. I still got pregnant at 19 and was a sigle mother. But abortion was never an option for me, and I was not a Christian at this point in time.
The reason it was never an option is because I was taught to value life, every life. I was taught that every child wanted or unwanted deserved to live. I was taught to take responsibility for my actions, good or bad. I was taught that there are natural consequences for things and you can't just run away from them.
I understand the reasoning behind Christians willing to support pro choice and I am not judging you at all. But for me and the conviction(every one's conviction is different) that I receive from the Holy Spirit is strong enough for me to believe that allowing the innocent killing of unborn babies should absolutely be illegal. In any other situation we are not allowed to kill anyone and have it be ok.
Having abortion legal also doesn't make people Christians.
I do agree 100% with your comment
"Us getting off the couch and touching people in their life's is the answer. Being a true Rep for our Savior Jesus is going to stop abortion." And making illegal will drop the number drastically.
Finding out why people think lives are so indespensible, why young girls are having sex, and stopping our society from becoming so sex focused are things that will help stop girls and women from thinking that abortion is ok.
Showing them the Love of Jesus Christ and the value He holds on life is important for me to do as a Christ follower. Allowing them to abort unborn babies, in my own convictions, is not showing them the Love of Jesus Christ or the value He holds on the lives of these babies that He has created.
Thank you SO much for sharing your feelings. I appreciate hearing and understanding other peoples view points:) We may disagree about different things, but we are sisters in Christ and we can both agree that Jesus Christ is the Way the Truth and the Light:) Amen!
And as long as we each feel like we are serving Him, that is all that matters:) Have a totally blessed day!!!
I am very Pro-life. I think it VERY wrong to have a abortion. I hope you got that from what I was saying. Not everyone is as strong as you, and feel like they can do this on their own. If we take away health care, food supply, and low income housing I couldn't imaging a girl coming from a low income family feeling like she had a choice to keep her baby. I hate abortion, when I think about it is shakes my very core. I am so lucky in all my pre-christian sinning I did not get pregnant. The second sickest thing to me is that this country is making it into an industry. A way to make money, and take money from the government. I just think there are better ways to go about preventing it than making it illegal. It is all part of God's free will..we have the right choices in front of us. It is fun to go back and forth to talk through ideas. That is the best way to find the right solutions to any problem. Thank you for being so awesome, and not just reacting but thinking and talking about it. I respect that very much!
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