I am in the middle of a 7 day stretch of NO work. I thought for sure I would have accomplished so much, and yet I feel as though I have accomplished hardly anything at all. I am so stinkin exhausted all I want to do is lounge around when I have extra time. Yuck! I hate being lazy.
I guess I should give myself some credit, my house has been fairly clean and maintained the last few days. Laundry...not so much. My poor hubby has to search the house every morning looking for socks!
Anyways, I am just trying to come up with a better routine on a day-to-day basis. It always seems like our days are so different. Between my working nights, Jaden having school every other day, Eli having speech 2 mornings a week, and preschool 2 afternoons a week, daycare one day a week, I can't get down a routine or schedule that works smoothly. It is so frustrating.
I am hoping to start fresh on Monday with a routine something like this:
Wake before the children-run, shower, start breakfast, maybe sneak in a load of laundry
Wake the children
Get the children ready-bath/shower, dressed
Have some play time-clean up the kitchen
Group activity-game, books, craft
Morning snack
Engage children in helping tidy up the house for a few minutes
Head downstairs-more laundry, play time for kids, maybe a short movie
Upstairs-get lunch ready, have kids pick out a story for after lunch, have kids set the table
Nap for Eli, quiet time for Jaden, Computer/quiet time for mom
Afternoon snack
Outside if weather is nice or inside game/art
Downstairs again-play time, more laundry
Upstairs- prepare dinner, 15 minute power pick up, boys set table
Family time after dinner clean up
Get ready for bed
Bed time
Mom relax time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope this works well. Monday there is no school and no daycare so it will be a good day to mess with our current routine and work out the kinks. Tuesday will be a whole different story! Here's to hoping this helps!

Don't do it. routine makes you boring.
Let's just say, I suck at mine...
Saw you in church today from afar!
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