Friday, June 5, 2009

4 Miles Down.....2 To Go

So last night I went out for another run with my buddy Sara aka Domestically Challenged! I wanted to try and go for a 4 mile run this time since I have been able to do 3 mile runs a few times now. So we ventured out, on a new route, and totally did 4 miles!! Yay!! It may not be big to some people, but to me it is HUGE!! 4 months ago I could hardly run 5 minutes without certain death!

I am just so happy that accomplished my goal that I set out before me. Physically I know I can run, but my biggest challenge with running is the mental part. It can be such a mind game sometimes!!

So I am ready for my next 5K on the 13th here in Cambridge!! Sara and I are going to try a few hill runs this week in preparation for it.

And maybe if I keep at this pace I will be ready for that 10K in September:)


Paging Doctor Mommy said...

YAY! I truly understand how rewarding it is to meet your goal. I've yet to meet mine, so when the day finally comes, I'm going to be shouting off the rooftops! Good for you! I have to stop and walk about every 10 minutes or so. My goal for now is to be able to run 3 miles without stopping. Once I do it, I plan to do a 5K here!

Alicia O. & the gang said...

Isn't it amazing how QUICKLY your goals change! And how amazing it is that it really is sooo much about mind over matter?! Great job...hopefully we'll see you this next weekend. Scott and I will EACH be pushing a double we'll see how we do!