I had a great time last night with some friends and my husband. We hogged the huge corner booth at Applebees for about 4 hours:) We laughed, and ate, and had a few drinks, and laughed some more! Get a few girls together and the giggles are almost unstoppable! We had the best looking Waiter in the house too!!! Even my husband was impressed by his good looks! All in all it was a good birthday celebration:)
Earlier in the day I got treated to Caribou by Jaden's grandma (Thanks Julie!!) and a fresh bouquet of Lilacs picked by my boys. Then Jaden and Eli sang me happy birthday during lunch. It was so cute! Jaden told me he was going to make me a cake this week when daddy has time to help him.
I can't believe I am 26 already. I know that 26 isn't old, but man it feels like I just turned 21!!

love the new color!...sitting at work...looking at your blog!
Happy Birthday!!! =)
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