It all started with a movie and laundry. Go figure.
Eli wanted to watch a movie, no biggy right. So I sit with him for a while to watch the movie with him, then I decided "Laundry is piled all around me, maybe I should do something with it". So I start doing MORE laundry while Eli watches his movie.
Well during the movie watching he got a little curious with his sister Lite Brite (you know the little boxy thing with a light and paper and put the colored pegs through the picture and tada a masterpiece). Upon my return to his area of the house I find him sniffling and whining a little and then I noticed his eyes were running.
I asked him what was the matter. He pointed to his nose and then put his finger up his nose and whined some more. I noticed in his other hand he held a Lite Brite peg. *Light Bulb Moment!!!
Did you put a peg in your nose I asked. He nodded yes. Oh great!!
So I busted out the flash light to take a peek and sure enough. A green peg is WAY up my child's nose. I tried getting him to blow it out, he only sucked it in farther. I tried to make him sneeze it out with no luck. So I grabbed the tweezers and tried to pull it out. He actually laid very still until that tweezers was WAY up there and then he moved and well, we got nothing.
I tried everything I could think of. I knew if I had to take him to the doctor it would get ugly. But I had no choice. So off we went to the clinic.
2 hours, 3 fits, 3 attempts, 4 people, 1 blanket, 1 light, 2 medical instruments, and 1 green peg later we made it. Successful removal in the Doctors eyes, traumatizing removal in Elijah's eyes.
Hopefully he learned that nothing should be going up his nose!!!
The Doctor and Nurse were very nice and told Eli he deserved a stuffed animal instead of just a sticker for making it through that ordeal. So off we went with his new black stuffed puppy. We made a pit stop at DQ because we BOTH deserved it:)
All is well now. He is watching the movie he didn't get to finish.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
Not Me! Monday
Here is round two of Not Me! Monday. Go check out Mck Mama who started Not Me! Monday. She is a ton of fun:)
I did not go to a movie called "Orgasmic Birth" and absolutely love it. I did not go because who would watch a movie with that title? Weird, right? Well, Not Me!
I did not take my children to daycare today just so I could take a nap this afternoon before working tonight. Why would I pay for my children to go to daycare if I will be home? Not Me!
I did not let my oldest have 2 peices of gum for breakfast because that is all he wanted. What kind of mom feeds their 5 year old gum for breakfast! Even if it is Orange flavored, that doesn't count....does it???? Well no worries, Not Me!
I did not do a ton of laundry this weekend-clean, dry, fold- and then put in nice piles and in laundry baskets all around the house waiting for the magic laundry fairy to come and put them all away. Nope, Not Me!
I did not feed my family store bought bread the other morning because I forgot to make our weekly bread loaves. Me forget- NO WAY!
I am not sitting on my couch right now looking at all the cleaning that needs to be done and thinking "I may just watch a movie in my Not so quiet house" (becasue the children are not at daycare today). Nope, cleaning ALWAYS comes first in our house!
Not Me! Not Me!.......YOU?
I did not go to a movie called "Orgasmic Birth" and absolutely love it. I did not go because who would watch a movie with that title? Weird, right? Well, Not Me!
I did not take my children to daycare today just so I could take a nap this afternoon before working tonight. Why would I pay for my children to go to daycare if I will be home? Not Me!
I did not let my oldest have 2 peices of gum for breakfast because that is all he wanted. What kind of mom feeds their 5 year old gum for breakfast! Even if it is Orange flavored, that doesn't count....does it???? Well no worries, Not Me!
I did not do a ton of laundry this weekend-clean, dry, fold- and then put in nice piles and in laundry baskets all around the house waiting for the magic laundry fairy to come and put them all away. Nope, Not Me!
I did not feed my family store bought bread the other morning because I forgot to make our weekly bread loaves. Me forget- NO WAY!
I am not sitting on my couch right now looking at all the cleaning that needs to be done and thinking "I may just watch a movie in my Not so quiet house" (becasue the children are not at daycare today). Nope, cleaning ALWAYS comes first in our house!
Not Me! Not Me!.......YOU?
Friday, September 26, 2008
Here Comes Another Birth Activist
Here is the post I promised in regards to the movie I went to see last night.
A neighbor/friend invited me to go with her to this amazing birth film called "Orgasmic Birth" directed by Debra Pascali-Bonaro, downtown at the Riverside Theater as part of a special showing that was put together by different birth activist groups in the MN area. Some of these organizations included ICAN of the Twin Cities, Spinning Babies, Ten Moons Rising, Everyday Miracles, The Childbirth Collective, and DONA International.
To say it bluntly...Orgasmic Birth was UNBELIEVABLE! It was the most amazing movie I have watched in a LONG time. It had me laughing, it had me crying my eyes out, it had me happy, and it had me angry/frustrated. I signed my name up on the list to buy a copy for myself so I can show it to other people.
I know the title freaks most people out. Originally the director wanted to name it Ecstatic Birth but Orgasmic Birth got peoples attention more so that is what they went with.
Before jumping to conclusions about the film or about how you may think I am going crazy, hear me out!
I want to be a doula and eventually a midwife. I want to be able to give women the opportunity to have their babies the way THEY want to have them, not the way our MEDICAL SYSTEM tells them to have them. America is SOOO behind when it comes to supporting laboring moms and trusting them to make their own health care decisions when it comes to the birth of their child. Last time I checked Labor and Birth were NOT an illness, or a disease process, or some crazy medical condition.
GOD himself intended for this to happen from the very begining. He CREATED the whole birth process, from the pleasure of conception to the bliss from holding your babe in your arms. HE knew exactly what HE was doing. Of course after the fall, woman was cursed with laboring pains but she was NOT cursed with a "birth plague"!! She wasn't cursed to have an illness during pregnancy and birth. So why is it often treated that way in Western Medicine?
This film did an amazing job of showing the possibilities of what can happen when a woman is
1) allowed to CHOOSE how and where to have her baby
2) supported by other woman during labor
3) and taught that birth CAN and SHOULD be an enjoyable defining moment of their lives
4) not told horror story after horror story of how aweful labor is
5) and taught to TRUST in her body, because it knows exactly what to do
What if women were taught to ENJOY birth? What if it could be a sensual, pleasureable experience for a husband and wife to experience together. Afterall, the act of making a baby is sensual and pleasurable so why should we be taught that the act of delivering the baby should be strictly painful and an aweful experience? Why can't that be a pleasurable experience?
Well it can be, and the movie is proof!!
I think Westernized Medicine better watch comes another birth activist!!!!!!!!!!
To Be Continued..........................................
and please give me feedback, ask questions, and give your input too. The whole topic of preg and birth is a passion of mine and I would love to talk to others about it.
A neighbor/friend invited me to go with her to this amazing birth film called "Orgasmic Birth" directed by Debra Pascali-Bonaro, downtown at the Riverside Theater as part of a special showing that was put together by different birth activist groups in the MN area. Some of these organizations included ICAN of the Twin Cities, Spinning Babies, Ten Moons Rising, Everyday Miracles, The Childbirth Collective, and DONA International.
To say it bluntly...Orgasmic Birth was UNBELIEVABLE! It was the most amazing movie I have watched in a LONG time. It had me laughing, it had me crying my eyes out, it had me happy, and it had me angry/frustrated. I signed my name up on the list to buy a copy for myself so I can show it to other people.
I know the title freaks most people out. Originally the director wanted to name it Ecstatic Birth but Orgasmic Birth got peoples attention more so that is what they went with.
Before jumping to conclusions about the film or about how you may think I am going crazy, hear me out!
I want to be a doula and eventually a midwife. I want to be able to give women the opportunity to have their babies the way THEY want to have them, not the way our MEDICAL SYSTEM tells them to have them. America is SOOO behind when it comes to supporting laboring moms and trusting them to make their own health care decisions when it comes to the birth of their child. Last time I checked Labor and Birth were NOT an illness, or a disease process, or some crazy medical condition.
GOD himself intended for this to happen from the very begining. He CREATED the whole birth process, from the pleasure of conception to the bliss from holding your babe in your arms. HE knew exactly what HE was doing. Of course after the fall, woman was cursed with laboring pains but she was NOT cursed with a "birth plague"!! She wasn't cursed to have an illness during pregnancy and birth. So why is it often treated that way in Western Medicine?
This film did an amazing job of showing the possibilities of what can happen when a woman is
1) allowed to CHOOSE how and where to have her baby
2) supported by other woman during labor
3) and taught that birth CAN and SHOULD be an enjoyable defining moment of their lives
4) not told horror story after horror story of how aweful labor is
5) and taught to TRUST in her body, because it knows exactly what to do
What if women were taught to ENJOY birth? What if it could be a sensual, pleasureable experience for a husband and wife to experience together. Afterall, the act of making a baby is sensual and pleasurable so why should we be taught that the act of delivering the baby should be strictly painful and an aweful experience? Why can't that be a pleasurable experience?
Well it can be, and the movie is proof!!
I think Westernized Medicine better watch comes another birth activist!!!!!!!!!!
To Be Continued..........................................
and please give me feedback, ask questions, and give your input too. The whole topic of preg and birth is a passion of mine and I would love to talk to others about it.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Better Week......Florecent Pee?
This week has been better than last. I havn't been as emotional about Eli and his speech delay. What a wreck I was last week, you would have thought someone died or something. Thank goodness that wasn't the case. And thank goodness for all my wonderful friends and my fantastic husband for listening to me cry about everything! And thank you to my wonderful friends for remindind me that my child is NOT defective, and that I did NOT make him so I should have NO guilt about his speech delay, and to rest assured in my FAITH and my TRUST in God because HE made Eli to HIS liking:) And HE knows what HE is doing:)
On a lighter note. This week has been fun hanging out with the kids, the neighbors, and Ken. I love fellowship with others and I get so much energy from other people. It has been a very enjoyable week. Other than I am on the verge of getting something because I have a headache daily for almost a week now. I think it's a head cold that hasn't totally landed yet but I am fighting it tooth and nail with lots of Vit. C*, fluids, echinacea, and rest when I can get it.
*By the way, did you know that excess Vit C (you know the stuff your body doesn't need) is excreted in your urine and it turns it FLORECENT YELLOW!! Imagine my surprise after going to bathroom at the end of the day after consuming 2000 mg of Vit C!!!! Yikes!
And tonight I am going out. That's right people I have a social life too!! I am going with my neighbor and her newborn to what will hopefully be an amazing movie downtown. We are going to watch Minnesota Orgasmic Birth. It sounds strange I know, but I will tell you much more about it after I see the whole thing. I am very excited about this opportunity:) Go check out the website and read more about it before allowing yourself to be turned off to the title.
I will let you all know what I think of the film:)
On a lighter note. This week has been fun hanging out with the kids, the neighbors, and Ken. I love fellowship with others and I get so much energy from other people. It has been a very enjoyable week. Other than I am on the verge of getting something because I have a headache daily for almost a week now. I think it's a head cold that hasn't totally landed yet but I am fighting it tooth and nail with lots of Vit. C*, fluids, echinacea, and rest when I can get it.
*By the way, did you know that excess Vit C (you know the stuff your body doesn't need) is excreted in your urine and it turns it FLORECENT YELLOW!! Imagine my surprise after going to bathroom at the end of the day after consuming 2000 mg of Vit C!!!! Yikes!
And tonight I am going out. That's right people I have a social life too!! I am going with my neighbor and her newborn to what will hopefully be an amazing movie downtown. We are going to watch Minnesota Orgasmic Birth. It sounds strange I know, but I will tell you much more about it after I see the whole thing. I am very excited about this opportunity:) Go check out the website and read more about it before allowing yourself to be turned off to the title.
I will let you all know what I think of the film:)
Monday, September 22, 2008
NOT ME! Monday
Here is a MckMama and her Not Me! Monday Carnival. Check it out!
Here goes.......
I most definitely did not cry while unpacking size 3T clothes for Eli that Jaden used to wear. Thinking about how tiny my now kindergartner used to be. Nope. NOT ME!
And I certainly didn't cry even harder when I was packing up size 2T clothes that don't fit either one of them to give away. NOT ME! What am I in denial about my children getting older? NO way, NOT ME!!!
By the way, I didn't sleep ALL afternoon on Saturday and ALL Saturday night and then roll out of bed at 8:30 on Sunday morning and still feel tired. Again, NOT ME!
I absolutely am not writing this post while at work where this is most likely prohibited. You guessed it....NOT ME!

Here goes.......
I most definitely did not cry while unpacking size 3T clothes for Eli that Jaden used to wear. Thinking about how tiny my now kindergartner used to be. Nope. NOT ME!
And I certainly didn't cry even harder when I was packing up size 2T clothes that don't fit either one of them to give away. NOT ME! What am I in denial about my children getting older? NO way, NOT ME!!!
By the way, I didn't sleep ALL afternoon on Saturday and ALL Saturday night and then roll out of bed at 8:30 on Sunday morning and still feel tired. Again, NOT ME!
I absolutely am not writing this post while at work where this is most likely prohibited. You guessed it....NOT ME!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
A Mommy to Boys <3
So last night it was just Jaden and I home for the whole night. He decided he wanted to sleep with me since he is my cuddle bug. As we were going to bed he thought it would be a great idea to tell bed time stories.
So he started with this amazing fairytale story about a princess being locked in a castle and this giant dragon who was guarding her. He continued on about hot lava and swords and all sorts of scary things. Then you'll never guess who came to rescue the princess? Yup, Indiana Jones!! Indiana came and slayed the dragon with his sword and his "really cool whip". Then he used the whip to swing over the hot lava and rescue the princess.
It was a very animated story with lots of sound effects and unbelievalbe facial expressions. Then when it was all over the princess was saved and Indiana moved on to rescue another princess.
Then Jaden turned to me and said "You know what mom?"
I said "what?"
he said, "In that story, I was Indiana Jones!! And guess who the princess was"
I said, "I don't know" (thinking probably his sister or the neighbor girl)
he said, "The princess was YOU mom. I rescued you!"
MELT my heart!!!!!! He is so dang adorable!!!!! I just love him to pieces!
I LOVE being a mom to boys. It does things to your heart you never knew were possible<3
So he started with this amazing fairytale story about a princess being locked in a castle and this giant dragon who was guarding her. He continued on about hot lava and swords and all sorts of scary things. Then you'll never guess who came to rescue the princess? Yup, Indiana Jones!! Indiana came and slayed the dragon with his sword and his "really cool whip". Then he used the whip to swing over the hot lava and rescue the princess.
It was a very animated story with lots of sound effects and unbelievalbe facial expressions. Then when it was all over the princess was saved and Indiana moved on to rescue another princess.
Then Jaden turned to me and said "You know what mom?"
I said "what?"
he said, "In that story, I was Indiana Jones!! And guess who the princess was"
I said, "I don't know" (thinking probably his sister or the neighbor girl)
he said, "The princess was YOU mom. I rescued you!"
MELT my heart!!!!!! He is so dang adorable!!!!! I just love him to pieces!
I LOVE being a mom to boys. It does things to your heart you never knew were possible<3
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Soak It Up:)
Long time no blog! It has been a crazy month so far. A lot has been going on and keeping us busy, and away from the computer! So I apologize in advance for a potentially LONG post. Grab a cup of coffee and maybe a snack...and soak it up:)
So school has officially started and Jaden is enjoying it. I on the other hand am still a little emotional about the whole thing. On his first day of school he was very happy to go but a little sad by the time I got there to pick him up at the end of the day. Our conversations went something like this...
J- "Mom, I was at school for the WHOLE day!! I didn't know I had to go for the WHOLE day!"
Me- "Well we talked about this before you went to school. That you would be there for the WHOLE day"
J- "Well, I think I want to have school at home so I don't have to be gone for the WHOLE day"
Me- (holding back the tears) " I would love you to have school at home but we talked about this over the summer and we both decided you should try kindergarten first and then if it didn't work out mommy could homeschool you next year."
J- "Ok mom. But next time, I am not going to school for the WHOLE day!"
Me- "We'll see"
By the end of the week he didn't even notice that he was there the WHOLE day. He was very tired though. He was getting at least 11-12 hours a night and he still couldn't get enough. We are almost done with week 2 already and things are going well. I asked him the other day if he was making any friends at school...
his reply- "yeah, (so and so, and so and so) are my new friends"
me- "good, have you made any friends with any of the girls in your class?"
him- "Well, there was this one girl, I don't remember her name, but I played husband and wife with her and we had 1 kid that was a girl...oh, and I was an Indiana Jones husband!
Me- "Oh, sounds.....interesting!" (laughing just thinking about this poor girl trying to play house with my son who is an "Indiana Jones Husband" whatever that entails!!!)
So yes school is great for him, and still hard for me. I am sure it's because he is my oldest. Things will get better:)
In other news.. We are done with ALL of Eli's assessments and meetings. Basically he qualifies for speech/language help. He did great with everything else. So he starts having a lady come out once a week to work with him. This will happen until he is 3 and then he won't qualify for home visits anymore, but he will see someone at the preschool instead. This whole process for me has been very overwhelming and emotionally draining.
I know he has no "disability" he just has delayed speech, which is very fixable. I am glad for that. But they catagorize speech therapy under Special Education. So when the ladies started talking about him in Special Ed and how the other kids won't even know that he is in it, I totally lost it and starting bawling like a baby. I still cry when I think about it. I don't want that to be him! He isn't developmentally delayed, he just doesn't talk like most 2 almost 3 year olds do.
He is so precious and perfect in my eyes and I want everyone to see that about him. I wish I could put into words how feel about this whole thing but I just am unable to at this point. I am so full of all these emotions and fears and just trying so hard to give it to GOD and it is so difficult. I know God is really teaching me a lot through this process but I wish it wasn't so painful and so personal. I can't help but have all these feelings of guilt and responsibility for Eli not talking and I know these are lies from the enemy but they are so easy to believe and that sucks!
Thank goodness Ken is so positive about all this. Not that I have no hope, but I am an emotional wreck and I am thankful that he is there for me and Eli with encouraging and uplifting words. I know God is doing amazing things and will continue to do amazing things. I have faith in that, but it doesn't take away the hurt.
So basically all of that mixed with my oldest going to school has made for a very very emotional September!!!
Ken and I would feel so blessed if you all were praying for Eli and his speech therapy. Just that it goes well and that he makes progress. Thanks a ton:) And maybe pray for a little peace on my end of things!
So school has officially started and Jaden is enjoying it. I on the other hand am still a little emotional about the whole thing. On his first day of school he was very happy to go but a little sad by the time I got there to pick him up at the end of the day. Our conversations went something like this...
J- "Mom, I was at school for the WHOLE day!! I didn't know I had to go for the WHOLE day!"
Me- "Well we talked about this before you went to school. That you would be there for the WHOLE day"
J- "Well, I think I want to have school at home so I don't have to be gone for the WHOLE day"
Me- (holding back the tears) " I would love you to have school at home but we talked about this over the summer and we both decided you should try kindergarten first and then if it didn't work out mommy could homeschool you next year."
J- "Ok mom. But next time, I am not going to school for the WHOLE day!"
Me- "We'll see"
By the end of the week he didn't even notice that he was there the WHOLE day. He was very tired though. He was getting at least 11-12 hours a night and he still couldn't get enough. We are almost done with week 2 already and things are going well. I asked him the other day if he was making any friends at school...
his reply- "yeah, (so and so, and so and so) are my new friends"
me- "good, have you made any friends with any of the girls in your class?"
him- "Well, there was this one girl, I don't remember her name, but I played husband and wife with her and we had 1 kid that was a girl...oh, and I was an Indiana Jones husband!
Me- "Oh, sounds.....interesting!" (laughing just thinking about this poor girl trying to play house with my son who is an "Indiana Jones Husband" whatever that entails!!!)
So yes school is great for him, and still hard for me. I am sure it's because he is my oldest. Things will get better:)
In other news.. We are done with ALL of Eli's assessments and meetings. Basically he qualifies for speech/language help. He did great with everything else. So he starts having a lady come out once a week to work with him. This will happen until he is 3 and then he won't qualify for home visits anymore, but he will see someone at the preschool instead. This whole process for me has been very overwhelming and emotionally draining.
I know he has no "disability" he just has delayed speech, which is very fixable. I am glad for that. But they catagorize speech therapy under Special Education. So when the ladies started talking about him in Special Ed and how the other kids won't even know that he is in it, I totally lost it and starting bawling like a baby. I still cry when I think about it. I don't want that to be him! He isn't developmentally delayed, he just doesn't talk like most 2 almost 3 year olds do.
He is so precious and perfect in my eyes and I want everyone to see that about him. I wish I could put into words how feel about this whole thing but I just am unable to at this point. I am so full of all these emotions and fears and just trying so hard to give it to GOD and it is so difficult. I know God is really teaching me a lot through this process but I wish it wasn't so painful and so personal. I can't help but have all these feelings of guilt and responsibility for Eli not talking and I know these are lies from the enemy but they are so easy to believe and that sucks!
Thank goodness Ken is so positive about all this. Not that I have no hope, but I am an emotional wreck and I am thankful that he is there for me and Eli with encouraging and uplifting words. I know God is doing amazing things and will continue to do amazing things. I have faith in that, but it doesn't take away the hurt.
So basically all of that mixed with my oldest going to school has made for a very very emotional September!!!
Ken and I would feel so blessed if you all were praying for Eli and his speech therapy. Just that it goes well and that he makes progress. Thanks a ton:) And maybe pray for a little peace on my end of things!
Friday, September 5, 2008
Crazy Weekend
Well it's gonna be a crazy weekend, only because I work. So I am posting pics of Jaden at school SOON, very soon. I finally transfered them to a disc and off the camara tonight.
I hope everyone has an AWSOME weekend:) I know I will!! I love working, and being home.....I get the best of both worlds....and who says you can't have it ALL. :)
I hope everyone has an AWSOME weekend:) I know I will!! I love working, and being home.....I get the best of both worlds....and who says you can't have it ALL. :)
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
UPDATE: The decision has been made...and it was the right one. Thanks God for showing the way.....again:)
Ken and I have a few difficult decisions we need to make. We are talking a lot about it together and seeking God for answers. We would also like to ask you wonderful readers to be praying for us. Pray for decernment and clarity, and please pray that we will hear God in this situation and that we will be able to stand firm in his promise for our lives. And also pray that satan has NO ground and/or input in this decision.
Thank you VERY much.
Ken and I have a few difficult decisions we need to make. We are talking a lot about it together and seeking God for answers. We would also like to ask you wonderful readers to be praying for us. Pray for decernment and clarity, and please pray that we will hear God in this situation and that we will be able to stand firm in his promise for our lives. And also pray that satan has NO ground and/or input in this decision.
Thank you VERY much.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
The Big Day
Today was the big day. The first day of kindergarten. I cried...a little. My baby is getting so big. He was totally like, see ya later ma!!
I hope I am doing the right thing. I feel uneasy about sending him to public school. Part of me feels like this is what is right for our family at the present time, but there is another part of me feeling like I should be teaching him from the comfort of home.
It is such a hard decission to make. It didn't help that the whole time I was there during the "Parent Orientation", I couldn't have disagreed more with what they were telling me. There is this HUGE push for how important teaching independance is at this age and everything was SO focused on INDEPENDENCE!! He is 5!!! And not to mention that they "Request" that you not eat lunch with your child on a school day until Novemeber because of the "Seperation" issues it can cause! What!!
Oh, and it would be great if you wanted to volunteer, but you can't do it in YOUR childs class. They feel that in Kindergarten it would be detrimental to their "Independence" and learning "Seperation" if their parents were in their class room for anything during the day. STUPID!!!
I guess I need to talk to God about this one. And maybe have a talk with some people from the school about how THEY(The educated professionals) know what is best for my child, and I DON"T(the MOM)!
p.s. I'll post videos or pics of the big day later.
I hope I am doing the right thing. I feel uneasy about sending him to public school. Part of me feels like this is what is right for our family at the present time, but there is another part of me feeling like I should be teaching him from the comfort of home.
It is such a hard decission to make. It didn't help that the whole time I was there during the "Parent Orientation", I couldn't have disagreed more with what they were telling me. There is this HUGE push for how important teaching independance is at this age and everything was SO focused on INDEPENDENCE!! He is 5!!! And not to mention that they "Request" that you not eat lunch with your child on a school day until Novemeber because of the "Seperation" issues it can cause! What!!
Oh, and it would be great if you wanted to volunteer, but you can't do it in YOUR childs class. They feel that in Kindergarten it would be detrimental to their "Independence" and learning "Seperation" if their parents were in their class room for anything during the day. STUPID!!!
I guess I need to talk to God about this one. And maybe have a talk with some people from the school about how THEY(The educated professionals) know what is best for my child, and I DON"T(the MOM)!
p.s. I'll post videos or pics of the big day later.
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