Sunday, September 21, 2008

A Mommy to Boys <3

So last night it was just Jaden and I home for the whole night. He decided he wanted to sleep with me since he is my cuddle bug. As we were going to bed he thought it would be a great idea to tell bed time stories.

So he started with this amazing fairytale story about a princess being locked in a castle and this giant dragon who was guarding her. He continued on about hot lava and swords and all sorts of scary things. Then you'll never guess who came to rescue the princess? Yup, Indiana Jones!! Indiana came and slayed the dragon with his sword and his "really cool whip". Then he used the whip to swing over the hot lava and rescue the princess.

It was a very animated story with lots of sound effects and unbelievalbe facial expressions. Then when it was all over the princess was saved and Indiana moved on to rescue another princess.

Then Jaden turned to me and said "You know what mom?"
I said "what?"
he said, "In that story, I was Indiana Jones!! And guess who the princess was"
I said, "I don't know" (thinking probably his sister or the neighbor girl)
he said, "The princess was YOU mom. I rescued you!"

MELT my heart!!!!!! He is so dang adorable!!!!! I just love him to pieces!

I LOVE being a mom to boys. It does things to your heart you never knew were possible<3

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is so cute!! Jack likes to sleep with me too, but usually it's so late that I just want to sleep. I should let him talk a little more...

If you have ANY questions about surrogacy, shoot me an email, or give me a call. We could have a lengthy conversation about what's happened so far.

Love You
