This week has been better than last. I havn't been as emotional about Eli and his speech delay. What a wreck I was last week, you would have thought someone died or something. Thank goodness that wasn't the case. And thank goodness for all my wonderful friends and my fantastic husband for listening to me cry about everything! And thank you to my wonderful friends for remindind me that my child is NOT defective, and that I did NOT make him so I should have NO guilt about his speech delay, and to rest assured in my FAITH and my TRUST in God because HE made Eli to HIS liking:) And HE knows what HE is doing:)
On a lighter note. This week has been fun hanging out with the kids, the neighbors, and Ken. I love fellowship with others and I get so much energy from other people. It has been a very enjoyable week. Other than I am on the verge of getting something because I have a headache daily for almost a week now. I think it's a head cold that hasn't totally landed yet but I am fighting it tooth and nail with lots of Vit. C*, fluids, echinacea, and rest when I can get it.
*By the way, did you know that excess Vit C (you know the stuff your body doesn't need) is excreted in your urine and it turns it FLORECENT YELLOW!! Imagine my surprise after going to bathroom at the end of the day after consuming 2000 mg of Vit C!!!! Yikes!
And tonight I am going out. That's right people I have a social life too!! I am going with my neighbor and her newborn to what will hopefully be an amazing movie downtown. We are going to watch Minnesota Orgasmic Birth. It sounds strange I know, but I will tell you much more about it after I see the whole thing. I am very excited about this opportunity:) Go check out the website and read more about it before allowing yourself to be turned off to the title.
I will let you all know what I think of the film:)
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