Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Big Day

Today was the big day. The first day of kindergarten. I cried...a little. My baby is getting so big. He was totally like, see ya later ma!!
I hope I am doing the right thing. I feel uneasy about sending him to public school. Part of me feels like this is what is right for our family at the present time, but there is another part of me feeling like I should be teaching him from the comfort of home.
It is such a hard decission to make. It didn't help that the whole time I was there during the "Parent Orientation", I couldn't have disagreed more with what they were telling me. There is this HUGE push for how important teaching independance is at this age and everything was SO focused on INDEPENDENCE!! He is 5!!! And not to mention that they "Request" that you not eat lunch with your child on a school day until Novemeber because of the "Seperation" issues it can cause! What!!
Oh, and it would be great if you wanted to volunteer, but you can't do it in YOUR childs class. They feel that in Kindergarten it would be detrimental to their "Independence" and learning "Seperation" if their parents were in their class room for anything during the day. STUPID!!!

I guess I need to talk to God about this one. And maybe have a talk with some people from the school about how THEY(The educated professionals) know what is best for my child, and I DON"T(the MOM)!

p.s. I'll post videos or pics of the big day later.

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