Thursday, August 7, 2008


OK I may have an addiction!!? and it's not shopping! Shocking, I know! So most people have addictions like drugs/alcohol, shopping, video games/tv/computer, other people, food, etc....

Well my "maybe" addiction is slightly different. But admitting it is the first here it goes.....

Hi, my name is Jazz and I am a "Home Birth Video" addict.

Yes it is true. I LOVE watching peoples videos of their home births, mostly on YouTube! but you can find them other places too. Most of you may find this to be very very strange, but I AM strange, so there!

Most addicts have an excuse or justification(as I like to call it) for their addiction, I am no different. My justification is this....I am watching them for self educational purposes. Are you laughing?????? I heard someone giggle!!

Anyways, it's no joke. My long term goal in my nursing career is to become a Midwife. So I have started early, by observing these amazing birth stories.

So there it is. My addiction. Although, I do like to think of it as more of a Passion than an Addiction(a little more justification!). Wow, that felt good to get off my chest! I wonder if they have AA for this kind of thing? It might be worth looking in to!!

So, am I totally weird????????


Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Yes, yes and YES!!

Jazzy said...

I can appreciate your honesty! :)

Homegrown Tribe said...

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. I suck at reading everyone else's blog.... but I wanted to say "Hi"!

i'll try to remember to come back. :)


Anonymous said...

you'd be great!