Monday, September 22, 2008

NOT ME! Monday

Here is a MckMama and her Not Me! Monday Carnival. Check it out!

Here goes.......

I most definitely did not cry while unpacking size 3T clothes for Eli that Jaden used to wear. Thinking about how tiny my now kindergartner used to be. Nope. NOT ME!

And I certainly didn't cry even harder when I was packing up size 2T clothes that don't fit either one of them to give away. NOT ME! What am I in denial about my children getting older? NO way, NOT ME!!!

By the way, I didn't sleep ALL afternoon on Saturday and ALL Saturday night and then roll out of bed at 8:30 on Sunday morning and still feel tired. Again, NOT ME!

I absolutely am not writing this post while at work where this is most likely prohibited. You guessed it....NOT ME!




Wendy said...

Hey Jazzy! This is too funny!!"Not me Monday" is such fun!!
Your Blog is neat!!

Courtney and the Boys said...

Oh my goodness...I totally did the same thing with my boys' clothes this weekend! I could hardly believe that my youngest is already in my oldest's clothes! And as I was packing away the "too small" clothes, I teared up thinking they would never be worn again by one of my goes too fast!! :(

Honey Mommy said...

That is too funny!

I have been packing up the three to six month clothes and getting out the six to nine month ones. I can't believe my baby is that big! Plus the 24 month clothes don't fit my big boy anymore! *sigh*

I am going to have to participate in Not me monday next week! It looks like way more fun than the blog carnival I am participating in!

Anonymous said...

I am loving these no me post..