Monday, September 29, 2008

Not Me! Monday

Here is round two of Not Me! Monday. Go check out Mck Mama who started Not Me! Monday. She is a ton of fun:)

I did not go to a movie called "Orgasmic Birth" and absolutely love it. I did not go because who would watch a movie with that title? Weird, right? Well, Not Me!

I did not take my children to daycare today just so I could take a nap this afternoon before working tonight. Why would I pay for my children to go to daycare if I will be home? Not Me!

I did not let my oldest have 2 peices of gum for breakfast because that is all he wanted. What kind of mom feeds their 5 year old gum for breakfast! Even if it is Orange flavored, that doesn't count....does it???? Well no worries, Not Me!

I did not do a ton of laundry this weekend-clean, dry, fold- and then put in nice piles and in laundry baskets all around the house waiting for the magic laundry fairy to come and put them all away. Nope, Not Me!

I did not feed my family store bought bread the other morning because I forgot to make our weekly bread loaves. Me forget- NO WAY!

I am not sitting on my couch right now looking at all the cleaning that needs to be done and thinking "I may just watch a movie in my Not so quiet house" (becasue the children are not at daycare today). Nope, cleaning ALWAYS comes first in our house!

Not Me! Not Me!.......YOU?


Jennifer said...

Those laundry fairies never show up no matter how long you yearn for them! Great Not me's!

Anonymous said...

I am wishing for a laundry fairy too..

Anonymous said...

I am NOT blogging and reading blogs when I should be job hunting...NOT ME!!!