Sunday, October 26, 2008

Not Me Monday!!

Here we go again......join in on the MckMama fun!!
I did not write this on Sunday hoping that I would have it done early and be one of the first links on McMama's Mr. Linky list. Nope, I never want to be first at anything.
I did not start my very strict Dave Ramsey budget this weekend and still find the cash to eat out not once but twice over the weekend. Who waste's their money on eating out? Not me!
I have not been tempted ALL weekend long to just BUY something because being on a budget is slightly painful for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I did not eat entirely too many doughnuts for breakfast Sunday morning before going to church where I also had a doughnut hole and a cookie. Yum:)
I did not let my 2 year old run around the house without a diaper MANY days this week and end up having to clean up at least 2 spots of pee from the floor! Who lets boys be naked ALL day? Not me!
I did not pretend to clean the kitchen every time my husband walked up stairs while he and my children cleaned the WHOLE downstairs and the van for 2+ hours on Saturday. I would never be untruthful about cleaning when I was really reading the paper. Who pretends to clean?


Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

You went for a run! Yay! We'll be turkey trotting together soon!

Amie said...

Omgoodness.. Your last one had me LOL. Not cause I have ever donet hat. cause I have NOT!


3 Bay B Chicks said...

I think doughnuts are the root of all evil, don't you? They tempt you with their warm and freshly baked goodness, only to leave a very heavy feeling in the bottom of your stomach after you have consumed way, way too many. I definitely cannot relate to what you are saying at all. LOL!

Nakedness is good. Kids love it. I am constantly amazed at how much my kids LOVE naked time after their baths. It is like we live in some type of commune!

Thanks for the very funny posts. Really enjoyed myself.