Tuesday, August 5, 2008

It was a GOD night

OK this is just a little venting I must do since I have been awake for 24 hours straight, just worked the last 8.5 of those hours, and obviously am tired and will be going to bed when I am done with this.

Why does our society have to be the SUCKIEST thing ever(maybe a slight exageration). Young girls are totally defining their self worth in what their broke, immature, selfish, still living at home, can't hold a job yet alone shower, loser, woman manipulating BOYFRIENDS!!! I am so tired of it. Why is there this whole stinkin generation of girls that think there is something wrong with them the minute one of these lame boys breaks up with them. I want to shake them and say, "it is NOT you, YOU are WAY better off not even knowing that guy, don't you know what you DESERVE, don't you know that there is a GOD out there who is heart broken everytime you think a negative thought about yourself like that, don't you know what HE promises for you, what HE can give you, don't you know that your identity and self worth IS defined by HIM, HE who created you, knit you in your mothers womb, fearfully and WONDERFULLY made YOU in HIS secret place, away from anything that could ever tarnish you, DON'T YOU KNOW THESE THINGS??????????"

And then I catch my breath and realize, of course they don't know these things. These girls have been surounded by people most of their lives that have never once told them a single word of that truth. NOT ONCE! Can you imagine not ONCE being told you were a mighty creation of GOD, a masterpiece set apart from ALL the others!!! That not a SINGLE person on this earth defines who you ARE!!!

Well, I met a girl like this tonight. And I am sooooo sad. And God layed this girl out before me for a reason. And I am figuring out that reason. And I am mad, mad at what The World tells people, mad that people don't hear what God tells people, and mad that Christ Followers like me are NOT(including myself) doing a very good job of making sure that people are hearing what God is trying to tell us. And dang it somethings gotta change.

Some nights I wonder why I was led to Nursing, and nights like last night, I know EXACTLY why HE led me to Nursing.

God is WAY WAY bigger than this world, let's spread HIM around, share HIM with the broken hearted. Share with people how GOD views them, feels about them, and longs for a relationship with them.

Thanks for listening to me vent. It was a LLLOOONNNNGGGG night, but a good night. A GOD night:)


Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Um, good vent? Seriously, I understand totally. New blog looks nice.

Jazzy said...

I am glad it made sense to someone. Thanks Sara! I was half asleep when I wrote it, but I was half asleep and MAD. It felt good to get it off my chest. Thanks for listening!

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Yes, I am glad you are there to help people out. It isn't often enough that we follow through with giving people the advice and words they need. Praise God you were there.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm...is youth ministry calling someone's name? Jazz do you work with middle/high school girls? Would you ever want to? What a great passion/burden to carry! Thanks for sharing...

Jazzy said...

To answer your ? Jenni. I did help with younglife before Ken and I got married, but I think middle school age kids would better fit me. Honestly, some of those teen girls were....slightly overwhelming? I hope that didn't sound mean. Anyway, it's something to keep praying about and figuring out where God wants me. He most definitly puts young hurting girls on my heart. But I am still waiting for Him to show me what that means, you know?